Sunday, June 3, 2012

Lifestyle: Snow White and the Huntsman Review

As part of my assignment for the cinema experience project. I was invited to watch and review the film "Snow White and the Huntsman".

This new version of the the classic fairy tale by the Brothers Grimm, Snow White (Kristen Stewart from “Twilight” saga) transforms from a sweet, innocent young princess into a Joan of Arc heroine leading an army into battle.

It's very different from the humor of Julia Roberts' Mirror Mirror - recently shown in the past few months, but with a similar basic problem. Kristen Stewart stars as the heroine??? Charlize Theron is the sexy evil queen with headgear modelled on the Disney animation; and Chris Hemsworth plays the huntsman, who is now a full-blown romantic lead, a hunky-stubbly protector with an acting like Thor in the Avengers. The film gives Snow White an unresolved romantic choice between the Huntsman and the prince named William played by Sam Claflin. It lacks of any romantic angle. 

This  movie does tackle head-on the Queen's sexual jealousy unlike Roberts' Mirror, Mirror evasive version.  Theron has an interesting steely coldness at first. But she is soon reduced to screeching like a crazy villainess. Her stepdaughter leads a revolution against the queen's misrule. The dwarves on the other hand are the same as bad ass forest bandits. Their accents make some of their conversations undecipherable. Better editing was needed to tighten up a lengthy running time exceeding two hours. It  tries to fix what isn't broken: the poignant clarity of Snow White being betrayed by her step mother and then having to become a mother to seven little people like in Mirror, Mirror. 

It's strengths are the costumes, the makeup, production design and an original musical score.
However, parental guidance is necessary since there are intense sequences of violence and action. A bloody stabbing in bed, a scary troll  and numerous deaths on the battlefield makes this film not appropriate for children below 13.

Received[2]  out of 4 stars
GenreAction / Adventure / Drama

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