Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Lifestyle/Business: 3 Pitfalls of Your Customer Experience Measurement Program

Beginning a Customer Experience Measurement Program is definitely a worthwhile investment to be able to efficiently and effectively improve your brand’s customer service experience. Engaging in Customer Experience Measurement (CEM) is undertaking an important process improvement, and the last thing you want is to waste this opportunity. For the uninitiated, there ARE ways to do so.
Customer Experience Measurement Program
A Customer Experience Measurement Program is an excellent way to ensure your customers are having a delightful experience, but there are some pitfalls that you need to be aware of to avoid crashing and burning a good investment.

PITFALL #1: Having a Questionable Questionnaire

Your questionnaire is the metric the Customer Experience Advocates (CEAs) will be basing their evaluation on when they visit and assess a customer environment. Since this plays such an integral role to CEM, each item needs to be properly thought through. Here are 3 guidelines you should keep in mind:
  • Revisit your own standards – Your customer service standards (as trained to your employees) should serve as the basis for creating the parameters of your questionnaire. One cannot fault a front-liner for not following a standard he or she was never trained to do or know. At the same time, this would be a good time to ask the hard-hitting questions like Are all of these standards realistic? Are they enforced? Are any of them no longer relevant? What delights my customer? What irritates them?
  • Make sure that what you WANT to measure NEEDS to be measured – You want the CEAs to be operating along the lines of a typical visit and act like auditors aside from being customers. They should spend an amount of time in the establishment that is similar or close to the time they would’ve spent if they just went there as a regular customer. Hence, parameters like those that ask them to count the number of light bulbs in the store should be avoided unless absolutely necessary to the objectives of the study.
  • Have clear rating scales – You want to be very specific about the things you want measured. Stay away from rating scales like VERY BAD, BAD… GOOD, VERY GOOD since the difference between GOOD and VERY GOOD is relative. Use rating scales that are very specific such as:
    Select the highest rating that meets all the criteria:
5 – Staff was friendly, made eye contact, asked/used your name to address you, and engaged you in a small talk.
4 – Staff was friendly and made eye contact but did not speak to you beyond taking your order.
3 – Staff did not make eye contact or did not smile.
2 –Staff was distracted and not focused on taking your order.
1 – Staff appeared irritated or was abrasive.
  • Make sure qualitative data is captured – Give spaces in the questionnaire for CEAs to answer questions in their own words, especially about their impressions of the customer touchpoint. This will paint an overall picture and give some context for the quantitative data collected.

PITFALL #2:  Being Price-Oriented More Than Results-Oriented When Selecting a Customer Experience Measurement Program

Always keep in mind that CEM is an investment that will enable you to give your customers a memorable and pleasant experience that will lead to the growth of your business.  If you tend to keep cutting corners in CEM, you will most likely not get the effect that you want.
Be sure to work closely with your CEM Agency to come up with a package that will get the job done without compromising the quality of your study. The last thing you want is to save a handful but lose the entire value of the investment in doing so. Ask yourself these questions: Do they just collect compliance information(such as “is the staff wearing a nametag? Yes/No”)? How do they assess the customer’s general level of satisfaction? How are results presented? Are recommendations made? Is support given to help you implement the recommendations? What kind of support?

PITFALL #3: Tackling The Results and Not The Problem

If you want to know the truth, make sure you can HANDLE the truth. When the results and assessments are out, be sure that you and your teams greet them with an open mind and not be defensive. Reassure them that this is not a blame game but rather an opportunity to identify what can and needs to be improved on in order to grow the business. No one should feel attacked during the results presentation as defensive employees are not in the proper mindset to make improvements.
A good customer experience measurement program is implemented by an agency with years of experience helping their clients deal with these issues. They should provide you with guidelines and support to help you prepare the team. With everyone in the proper mindset, you will be on your way to making your CEM investment pay off with increased traffic, stronger brand loyalty, and positive word-of-mouth sentiments.
Michelle :)

Lifestyle/Business: Filipino Customer Service Standards: Strengths and Opportunities

In light of the recent Philippine Independence Day celebration, I would like to take this opportunity to pay tribute to the greatness of the Filipino. Filipinos have always been known for hospitality so it makes sense that we are also considered world class in customer service. We leverage on our culture and innate behavior to be able to provide a method of customer service that is uniquely Filipino.

Filipinos have a high value for respect. We see it in how we understand the concept of family wherein we give a great deal of respect to our parents. It’s ingrained in our very language with how we use “po” and “opo” in our sentences. This plays to our advantage because this leads us to deliver service that treats the customer like a human being and not just a potential source of profit. This premise and mindset leads us to form relationships with customers which then leads to customer loyalty.

Of course, our innate sense of hospitality also helps. Filipinos are always sensitive to the comfort of their guests, in-tune with what our customers need and what can be done to make them feel more at-home and relaxed. We give off that friendly vibe that causes people to open up. We are the type of people that a customer will be comfortable asking purchase advice or recommendations from.

Lastly, Filipinos are known to be extremely resourceful. This helps in how we deliver customer service because it enables us to make purchases happen. From offering people payment options to giving them alternate solutions to certain problems (i.e. offering cheaper alternatives that work, understanding the customer’s situation and providing them with a solution that considers his/her needs). By helping the customer, it makes them more comfortable and more inclined to purchase.

Filipino customer service, of course, is not perfect. We do encounter some road blocks but none of them are impossible to overcome. The first step is to become aware of them so that we can plan how to approach it and improve from it.

Filipinos are naturally shy. We hesitate to approach situations head-on when there is a risk of rejection. Hence, when situations occur like when we see a customer who is looking into the store but seems to be unsure, most will choose not to engage the customer until he goes in the store or until the customer approaches the staff. In such cases, however, that hesitation may sometimes cost you a sale especially for customers who actually just needed a little bit of interaction and prodding.

The second opportunity area comes from some business owners’ mindsets on how to go about contractual workers. The common thinking is that since these people won’t be staying that long anyway, we assume that we don’t need to train them as much anymore. We have to remember though that, contractual or not, these people represent your brand and to the customer, it doesn’t matter whether they’re contractual staff or regular employees of the company. They are all the same in the customer’s eyes – they represent your brand. So be sure that every person who fronts for your brand is properly trained on product knowledge and proper customer service that is in line with who you are as a brand.
Perfecting Filipino Customer Service Standards

I salute all Filipino service providers working here and abroad. I truly believe that Filipinos are able to provide top notch customer service because it is in our nature. Given the strengths and opportunities that were listed down, I advise that we build on what is innate to us and overcome what limits us. The Filipino has always been about that. We rise up, we overcome, and we shine. No doubt, I am proud to be Filipino.  

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Lifestyle: Business - 5 Methods for Improving Customer Service NOW!!!

Brands often think their products or services are so good they sell themselves. For a lot of businesses, however, the harsh reality is that if they are unable to deliver a remarkable experience during the time of interaction with the customer, they face the very real danger of their brand becoming less valuable when measured against their competitors. Brand reputation is one of the greatest assets one has in any business. Here are 5 quick checks and adjustments for improving customer service that you can do right now.
Improving Customer Service


The first order of business is to make sure that you are in touch with what’s really happening with your brand. Start with the customer. Talk and interact with them, whether through face-to-face conversations, over the phone, the web, or through other feedback mechanisms. Ask them how they feel about your brand and be open to any comments or suggestions. Not only will you get first-hand information, you’ll also show that you want to continuously improve your brand FOR them.
Next up is to connect with your employees. Have an honest conversation with them about how things are going with the brand and your customers.  Are there any problems? What are the usual troubles they encounter in their everyday tasks? Be sure to be open and make them feel safe to give their opinions. You’ll discover that they are a valuable source of information and, at times, suggestions for business opportunities. Take this opportunity as well to ask some of them individually on what CUSTOMER SERVICE is. Cross check their definitions with how your business defines it. You’ll be able to see whether or not everyone is aligned.
Afterwards, take time to observe (your store, website, or listen to recorded hotline calls). Note points of inconvenience and/or difficulty for the customer. Take notice of difficulties encountered by your staff. Take everything in but only as a silent observer.
Customer Experience Measurement


Once you’ve taken the overall temperature of your business in terms of customer service, you need to set a “customer service standard” in your company. Set it up, define it, and drill it down to specifics. Once done, you need to communicate this to your employees in a way that won’t just be dismissed. Enforce your standards but make sure you are also able to clearly explain its value to your staff. Also ensure that the standard you set isn’t just communicated and required for a short time; it must be indoctrinated, monitored, and upheld in a sustained and consistent fashion.


Monitor to verify that your customer experience is indeed improving.  Set metrics that will be able to reflect these improvements. Identify what these metrics are for your business (i.e. more positive comments from feedback card, increased return rate of certain customers, return frequency of customers) and then set them as goals for your employees. Incentivize the behavior by giving rewards every time a goal is met or surpassed.


Some businesses view every customer as nothing more than additional revenue. This becomes subtly communicated to the staff and since the focus is invariably not on the customer experience, it translates into a missing focus on customer service. If left unchecked, employees who have such mindset will have difficulty stepping up in terms of creating a delightful customer experience. Always remember that a mutually beneficial relationship can always be formed. By treating them well, you earn the money that they give to you.
Find out your customers’ names, birthdays, and other information. Not only will you be able to further your relationship with them using the information, but you will also be able to maintain contact with them and give them information about promotions and the like.


Lastly, always remember that almost everyone loves the VIP treatment. So why not give them to your most loyal customers? Give them special deals and/or privileges that are guaranteed to make them feel special. Remember that these are people who already give you constant business. The last thing you want is for them to feel not taken care off and jump ship to the next brand.

These five steps should definitely set you on the right track for improving customer service. Companies wishing to get an in-depth analysis of their customers’ experience along with actionable recommendations, or have difficulty doing a self-assessment might consider hiring a customer experience measurement company to assist them.   By Michelle P.

Sunday, June 17, 2012

People: Happy Father's Day To All!!!

My Dad...

As we celebrate Father’s Day. I wish to all the DADS out there a Happy Fathers' Day! This day is specifically dedicated to fathers the world over. However for me, Father's Day is like Mothers day because I celebrate this day with my Mom. Since I lost my Dad 12 years ago. 

Today is a wonderful day to remember him and all the Fathers around the world. The importance of their role to our family. Our heroes, mentors and guides. Our dad showed us wisdom and extend their patience. They are examples of faith and generosity Our first teacher in how to live with love and compassion and with determination amidst difficulties in our daily lives. 

We miss him so much. His love for my Mom is  exceptional as if they where soul mates or I should say destined for each other. He's been a great example of hard work, responsibility, provider not only to his family but to the community as well. Because he's been a councilor for several years. Though, he is not perfect but he tries to be one. I wish my Dad were here with us, I wish things could have been different, but I'm happy to have the good memories back again. Me and mommy will never ever forget the Hero in our life "Daddy".

My Dad passing was a bit hard for me because as an only child I had to grow instantly and become independent at an early age. Daddy taught me many things. Like to work hard, do my best, own up to my mistakes, love, respect, serve and the most important thing of all: God. Mom and Dad are active member of the Church so they taught me to always take it to God.

I am so blessed that you were my father; you prepared me well. I know that we had a good relationship, and I know that you knew how much I loved you. The one thing I regret was not saying these words to you. Even though you weren't here with us anymore. I know that you are still watching and guiding us up above. I just want to say to you that NO father can ever replace you. Cheers to you Dad! I know you are so proud of me and thank you for all the things you have done to me and Mom. We will always remember you in our hearts forever. Happy Father's Day. Duday!

Monday, June 11, 2012

People: Happy Independence Day To All Filipinos....

Today, as we Filipinos celebrates  the most significant dates in the Philippine’s history.  Our Independence Day because it marks the nation’s independence from the Spanish rule on June 12, 1898.

The annual June 12 observance of Philippine’s Independence Day came into effect after past President Diosdado Macapagal signed the Republic Act No. 4166 regarding this matter on August 4, 1964. This Act legalized the holiday, which is based on the Declaration of Independence on June 12, 1898 by General Emilio Aguinaldo and Filipino revolutionary forces from the Spanish colonization. The Philippines’ flag was raised and its national anthem was played for the first time in 1898. However, liberty was short-lived because Spain and the United States did not recognize the declaration. 

The 1898 Treaty of Paris ended the war between Spain and the United States. Spain surrendered the entire archipelago comprising the Philippines to the United States. The Philippines started a revolt against the United States in 1899 and achieved national sovereignty on July 4, 1946, through the Treaty of Manila. Independence Day was officially observed on July 4 until the Republic Act No. 4166, which set out to move the holiday to June 12, was approved on August 4, 1964.

The Philippine’s Independence Day is a national holiday so government offices are closed. There are absolutely no classes in all schools. Many business establishments are closed except shopping centers. Public transport such as buses, passenger jeeps, and tricycles still operate but their routes may be limited due to the closure of streets used for parades. Employees covered by the Holiday Pay Rule are entitled to their daily basic wage for any unworked regular holiday.

Independence Day is a day when many people, including government officials, employees, and students, participate in nationwide parades. However, the main highlight is the police and military parade in Manila headed by the country’s incumbent president, followed by a speech and a 21-gun salute. Many Filipinos spend the day in parks and nowadays malls. Many Filipino communities in other countries also observe the nation’s Independence Day celebrations. 

Happy Independence day to everyone and enjoy the freedom that we have today.  But remember that the value of freedom is immeasurable. None understand this more than the proud members of the Filipino race, who through countless generations have fought for the right to be, recognized as free men. The blood of their heroes that light the path of history stand testament to the continuing struggle of the Filipino people for independence.

The fight for freedom continues, from the time of Lapu-lapu to the present. Today the Filipino struggles with poverty and various domestic problems that, like the foreign invaders of the past, limit the freedom of the citizenry. However, like their forefathers before them, Filipinos will prevail because of their constant tenacity. The hunger for freedom is insatiable, but the fight must be continued.

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Lifestyle: Men in Black 3 Review...

The story started when his partner K (Tommy Lee Jones) is erased from history, Will Smith or Agent J must time travel to 1960s New York to save him and prevent an alien invasion. 

The film is good in 3-D with more sci-fi comedy hijinks. Smith is so funny that really makes the film alive while Josh Brolin who plays young Agent K is so exceptional at mimicking the tight-lipped Tommy Lee Jones. However the story need to have unforgettable moments. This film is a much better effort than Men In Black 2.

The strongest element of this film is the casting. Aside from Jones and Smith exceptional acting skills, Brolin on the other hand is really terrific. Including the reliable Emma Thompson as the new MiB boss. Also excellent is Michael Stuhlbarg as an alien named Griffin who is capable of viewing multiple iterations of reality. Stuhlbarg  scenes with J and K are the film's highlights. However parental guidance is necessary since there are still intense sequences of violence and action. Which makes this film not appropriate for children below 13.

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Lifestyle: Snow White and the Huntsman Review

As part of my assignment for the cinema experience project. I was invited to watch and review the film "Snow White and the Huntsman".

This new version of the the classic fairy tale by the Brothers Grimm, Snow White (Kristen Stewart from “Twilight” saga) transforms from a sweet, innocent young princess into a Joan of Arc heroine leading an army into battle.

It's very different from the humor of Julia Roberts' Mirror Mirror - recently shown in the past few months, but with a similar basic problem. Kristen Stewart stars as the heroine??? Charlize Theron is the sexy evil queen with headgear modelled on the Disney animation; and Chris Hemsworth plays the huntsman, who is now a full-blown romantic lead, a hunky-stubbly protector with an acting like Thor in the Avengers. The film gives Snow White an unresolved romantic choice between the Huntsman and the prince named William played by Sam Claflin. It lacks of any romantic angle. 

This  movie does tackle head-on the Queen's sexual jealousy unlike Roberts' Mirror, Mirror evasive version.  Theron has an interesting steely coldness at first. But she is soon reduced to screeching like a crazy villainess. Her stepdaughter leads a revolution against the queen's misrule. The dwarves on the other hand are the same as bad ass forest bandits. Their accents make some of their conversations undecipherable. Better editing was needed to tighten up a lengthy running time exceeding two hours. It  tries to fix what isn't broken: the poignant clarity of Snow White being betrayed by her step mother and then having to become a mother to seven little people like in Mirror, Mirror. 

It's strengths are the costumes, the makeup, production design and an original musical score.
However, parental guidance is necessary since there are intense sequences of violence and action. A bloody stabbing in bed, a scary troll  and numerous deaths on the battlefield makes this film not appropriate for children below 13.

Received[2]  out of 4 stars
GenreAction / Adventure / Drama